Anal Glands (Sacs)
Veterinary & Aquatic Services Department, Drs. Foster & Smith, Inc.
Anal gland disease is a common problem in cats and dogs. The anal glands, also called 'anal sacs,' can become impacted, infected, and abscessed. Affected pets may lick the anal area, 'scoot' along the floor, or have problems with defecation.
Location and function of anal glands
As the cat is viewed from behind, anal glands (also called anal sacs) are located on each side of and slightly below the anal opening, at the 4 o'clock and 8 o'clock positions. A tiny duct or tube leads under the skin to an opening directly beside the anus.
All predators, whether they are felines or canines in the wild, or skunks in your backyard, have anal glands.
They just use them differently. Skunks discharge the secretion from these glands as a form of defense, while dogs use it primarily for territorial marking or as a form of communication.
In cats and dogs, every time a stool is passed, it should put enough pressure on the anal glands that some of the secretion is deposited on the surface of the stool.
Other cats and dogs are then able to tell who has been in the neighborhood, just by sniffing the stools they find.
Additionally, cats and dogs recognize each other by smelling each other in the general area of the anus, since each animal's anal glands produce a unique scent.
어떤 개와 고양이들은 배설물의 냄새만으로 가까이에 누가 있는지 알 수 있다.
덧붙여.. 개와 고양이들은 서로의 독특한 항문낭의 냄새로 서로를 인지할 수 있다.
Diseases of the anal glands
Anal gland impactions, infections, and abscesses can occur.
Here is how: For various reasons, such as the conformation of the animals, the thickness of the gland's secretions, or the softness of the stool, these glands and their ducts often become clogged, or 'impacted.' When this occurs, the animal will sit down on its rear quarters and drag its anal area across the floor or ground. This is often called 'scooting.' Both cats and dogs may also lick the anal area excessively.
Anal glands may also become infected and abscess. Bacteria make their way into the glands, probably through the ducts. This is a very painful condition, and the first sign you may see is that the animal attempts to bite or scratch when you touch the area near the tail.
이를테면 항문낭관의 굵기등 형태상의 문제나 분비물의 농도, 배변의 부드러움 등이 항문낭관을 막히게하기도 하거나 외부적 충격때문일 수도 있다. 항문낭 문제가 발생하면 애완동물들은 마루나 바닥에 엉덩이를 대고 끄는 행동을 보인다. 이를 "스쿠팅"이라고 부르기도 한다. 개나 고양이 모두 항문낭 주변을 지나치게 핧는 행동을 보인다.
항문낭과 항문낭관은 종종 막히고 가득찬다.
항문낭관이 감염되면 농양이 생긴다. 대부분 항문낭관을 통해 항문낭으로 세균이 감염되어 일어난다. 이건 매우 고통스러워, 꼬리 근처를 만지려고 할때 물거나 할키는 등의 행동을 보이게 된다.
Treatment and prevention
When the glands become impacted, a veterinarian, groomer, or the pet's owner must clean them out, or 'express' them. This empties the glands of all material. It is done by applying pressure with the finger, start below the gland and then pushing upwards. In some dogs, this needs to be done every week or two. Cats generally need this procedure less often.
Impacted glands do not affect the overall health of the pet. The problem is that pets may injure the anal area when scooting across the ground, or discharge the secretion on the carpet or floor. And this material has a terrible odor.
Anal gland abscesses must be lanced by a veterinarian, and antibiotics are usually given to the pet for seven to 14 days. Using warm compresses on the area often helps to relieve some of the pain and reduce swelling. Secondary problems sometimes occur with abscesses, as they may cause scar tissue or other damage that may affect the nerves and muscles in this area. This can cause fecal incontinence, meaning the pet cannot retain its stools.
If an individual pet only has an occasional problem with the gland, they can be dealt with as needed. However, for pets with repeated or chronic problems, surgical removal of the glands is recommended. With the removal of these glands all problems associated with these glands are eliminated for the remainder of the pet's life. Although a fairly simple procedure, complications such as fecal incontinence can rarely occur.
Cats with recurrent anal gland impactions are often placed on a high fiber diet. The high fiber makes the animal's stool more bulky. The stool will put more pressure on the anal glands and hopefully the glands will express themselves when the animal defecates. There are several commercial brands of high fiber cat food available. Animals may also be supplemented with bran or medications such as Metamucil which will increase the bulk of the stool.
항문낭을 짜는 것이 애완동물의 건강에 영향을 주진 않는다. 마루에 분비물을 방출하거나 땅에 엉덩이를 끌어서 항문주변에 상처가 나는 경우가 문제다. 항문낭 분비물은 냄새가 지독하다.
항문낭 염증이 있는 경우 수의사가 짜내고 항생제를 7~14일정도 처방한다. 항문낭을 짜낸 뒤에는 따뜻하게 해주면 아픔이 가라앉는다. 항문낭 치료후 이물질이나 다른 충격에 의한 2차 감염이 종종 문제가 된다. 변을 흘리는 현상이 나타나면 발치에 애완동물을 머무르게 하기 어려워진다.
애완동물이 항문낭에 문제가 생기면 그 때마다 처리해줘라. 그러나 만성적으로 문제가 반복된다면 외과적인 치료를 추천하고 싶다. 애완동물의 남은 삶동안 완전히 항문낭을 제거하면, 항문낭과 관련된 모든 문제가 함께 없어진다. 상당히 간단한 처치임에도 불구하고 드물게... 변 조절을 못하게 되는 경우가 생기기도 한다.
자주 재발하는 고양이에겐 식이섬유 다이어트를 처방한다. 식이섬유 다이어트는 애완동물의 변을 굵게 만든다. 굵은 변은 항문낭에 압박을 주게되고, 그 압박으로 스스로 항문낭의 분비물을 분비하게 된다. 몇몇 상업적인 브랜드의 식이섬유 고양이 음식이 효과가 있다. 동물들도 변크기를 증가시키기위해 동물들 역시 밀기울(왕겨)이나 의약적 보조품이 필요할 수 있다.
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